Just Playin' (but seriously, folks)
Thursday, April 07, 2005
One of the first true signs of spring!
Ok. So my feet are ugly, my lighting sucks but hey, I love this polish! It had to be done!
Helen, 10:14 PM
My wife has similiar monkey toes. Do you think you could peel a banana???
She can peel more than that! Sweet!
I prefer to call my monkeytoes fingertoes and that is a loverly nail polish.
Very nice color, Helen. Oh how I wistfully await the day that I can once again get at my toes to paint them.
(Baby belly and all that. :o) )
Off to find hubby-bub to see if he'll paint my toes...this should be interesting.
I love the colour :)
I've just strained my back trying to get my leg up to take a picture of my foot LOL!
BTW I think you have cute feet.
Either that or you shave them well when you so your legs Ha!