Just Playin' (but seriously, folks)
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
This is just how it works
I'm at work last week on the phones, as usual since I work in the call center. A guy walks by, never seen him before, a "new hire" and says "It's nice to see that pic of Jerry everyday as I walk through here". Two days later, I'm on the phones and he is leaving for the day. He walks by my cubicle and puts this tape on my desk. "Here's a little something for the ride home". I still don't know his name, still haven't said a word to him. That's just how it works. If I ever get off that phone I'll be sure to go say "hey". Sweet, really sweet!
Helen, 5:48 PM
Ummm, one good turn begets another, doesn't it, amiga??? Still enjoying that tape.
Thats the wierdest thing ever! very cool though!
My friends Miah and Jesse work at a call center with very cool folks...can't say nothing bad about 'em.