Just Playin' (but seriously, folks)
Monday, May 29, 2006

Bruce is still The Boss! It was a nice long weekend that didn't start out so nice (but the Vermont Trooper was a nice guy, even likes The Dead) nor did it end so nice (uh...boy trouble) but everything is the middle was just perfect. The band (20 of them) was perfect, the
setlist was perfect, weather was perfect, company was perfect and Bruce, well I can't say enough about him. He is a pro and I don't think anyone could see him live and deny that. He knows exactly where to go with the crowd and what to do with them when we get there. The Pete Seeger Sessions was just the perfect progression for him from Devils and Dust.
Growing up with Bruce I realized as I watched him for the umpteenth time that he is the one musician from my early childhood that has stayed with me (and I with him) through thick and thin. Always there, always buying the ticket, always a great show.
He is Bruce and there is no one like him. No one. And you can take the girl out of Jersey but you can't take The Boss out of the girl!
**Footnote: My love for The Dead and Jerry Garcia began much later in my life - in my young adulthood. That love is no less. That love will Not Fade Away.
Helen, 8:29 PM
Monday, May 22, 2006
Stay out all night, it's gonna feel all right

Ok - so I know it is extremely unlikely that I will hear Rosalita on the Seeger Sessions Tour but hey.....that's just fine with me. I haven't seen The Boss in a few years and I am way overdue and really looking forward to this show! I'll be thrilled with "John Henry", "Oh Mary" and any of the other 14 tracks on this CD but one has to wonder how he will fill the rest of the show. I can say this....he has NEVER disappointed me!
Helen, 7:03 PM
Friday, May 19, 2006
Things that make you go hm..........

A customer in Hawaii recently sent me a wonderful picture taken from his porch. I wanted to thank him and send him a picture taken from my own porch (fire escape!) I signed, sealed and reached for his envelope so I could address it. Putting it next to my envelope, this is what I saw. We are currently using the same stamps except he had one upside down and I got mine right side up this time! So, he, like me, keeps himself stocked up on stamps and got caught when the postage went up. We both had the same 37 centers and went and purchased the same 2 centers. What are the odds? I wonder how many people are out there using these same stamps and even more curiously, how many have corresponded with each other at the time. I thought it was pretty cool.
Helen, 9:06 AM
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day Mom!
Helen, 8:44 PM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Letter Carriers Food Drive

If you're local office is participating you should have received notice. This Saturday, May 13 you can
place your food donation in your mailbox before your carrier arrives. It will be taken to the post office and delivered to local food banks or pantries.
Non-perishables please and check the expiration date. They also ask that you do not put food out that is in glass containers. Every little bit helps.
Helen, 7:56 PM
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Let it grow!

Not having even a small fire escape in the city, it had been several years since I was able to do any "gardening". I began rather small last year with some herbs and ended up 5 for 5, no problems. This year, I have branched out a little to include some vegetables and flowers. We'll see what happens, hey?
Helen, 7:50 PM
Friday, May 05, 2006
I really have to wonder?
How many people who are bitching and moaning about border issues will be out "celebrating" Cinco de Mayo today? Just a thought. Carry on.
Helen, 1:29 PM
Monday, May 01, 2006
If I drop anything, I'm screwed....

.................because today bending down is a real chore. I went for a "hike" with my guy yesterday. OK - I know how to walk. Hiking is walking in rough(er) terrain, right? RIGHT! Hiking is NOT rock climbing. As it turned out the hike was just the start of the "adventure". We climbed these rocks (White Rocks, Wallingford, Vermont) which in some cases were boulders. A little more traction would have been nice. The sneakers I had were a little worn. Also, some sort of protection on the palms of the hands would have been useful.
It should be noted that on the way to the mountain, we stopped at a local convenience/deli type place for a quick sandwich. On the way out, there is about a 2 inch step down. I fell. That's right, I fell. Now, do you think that falling off a 2 inch curb was a good indication that climbing up (and back down, mind you) may not have been the best idea for this girl on this particular day? But
NO, on we go!
When all was said and done, I made it up and back down but in the future I will certainly be more prepared. Oh wait, I would have to have the information beforehand, now wouldn't I!
Update, May 2 - "A little perspective"So here's the uh....rocks? (Boulders!) That little blue speck around the center. Yup, that would be me.
Helen, 6:25 PM